There are numerous web sites to help you search for properties. Use them to do your research, and then find an agent who you feel comfortable with. The relationship between you and your chosen agent is an important one.
A great example of web property search sites is Listingbook. It offers the industry’s most accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date information including MLS data and public records so you’ll have no more wasted time considering properties that are no longer available. Listingbook makes searching and sorting easy. You can search on your terms with custom mapping tools and property features. You can even search school, shopping, and recreation information.
The Listingbook platform makes interacting with your agent easy and the collaboration can speed your search. Listingbook can help you keep your search organized and up-to-date by saving your favorites, receiving listing alerts, and notification of price reductions. If you sign up through an agent you will get additional support and information that can help you find that special property before it’s gone.